Minutes of Parkwood Garden Club Membership Meeting 08/13/12

Parkwood Garden Club
Board of Directors’ Minutes
August 13, 2012

The August 13, 2012 meeting of the Parkwood Garden Club (PGC) Board of Directors was held at 220 Upland Road in Decatur, GA.  The Board discussed Robert’s Rules of Order before the meeting was called to order at 7:25 pm.  The following officers/committee chairs attended:  Tom Bell, Karna Candler, Bryan Bell, Steve Elmore, Scott McVeigh, Joanna Quillen, Jim Paulino, and Patti Paulino.

  • Consent Agenda
    The June 11, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes were approved after changing the refund from the Secretary of State’s office to $20 for 2011 and $20 for 2012.
  • The August Financial Report was approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Tom Bell

  • 2013 Proposed Budget Discussion: the Board will vote on a proposed budget at the September meeting, which will include raising the dues to $45 per household, adding a $100 Neighbor Care line item to the Membership Committee budget, adding a Parkwood Park contingency fund and adding money to the administrative misc. line item.  Tom will send the Proposed 2013 Budget out ASAP so that all Board members will have plenty of time to review it before the vote at the next meeting.

President’s Report – Karna Candler

  • Julie Lockhart will fill the position of Vice President, but isn’t available for the next two meetings.
  • The Street Party organizers, Katy Mallory and Vica Bourque, have scheduled the Street Party for Sunday, October 21, from 3:00 to 7:00pm.  The neighborhood wide work day will be on Saturday morning, October 20.
  • Karna will contact Sharon LeMaster, docent at The Carlos Museum, to organize a PGC  trip to the museum on one of their two “free” nights this fall.  Sharon would be our tour guide.  Other activities for the PGC to consider hosting include a fund raising cooking class at Cook’s Warehouse and a Sip and Stroll in Parkwood Park.

Civic Committee


  • The Holly at the East Lake triangle was removed and treated to prevent regrowth. 
  • Steve will talk to Geigerscapes about maintenance of the public areas at the Parkwoods and East Lake, to be sure the hollies aren’t allowed to grow back.
  • Sheri met with DeKalb County officials to discuss adding a crosswalk at East Lake traffic circle. Unfortunately funding is not available.  DeKalb County will be adding double yellow lines to encourage proper use of the circle.  Preliminary lines can be seen now.

Quiet Zone

  • Sheri and Bryan met with Bob Ballou and discussed the quiet corridor extensively.
  • Bob continues to push for this and the missing piece now is funding.
  • He’s partnered with a neighbor on East Lake road to create stopthehorn.org to pursue funding more aggressively.  His goal is to have quad gates installed at East Lake by the end of 2013.


  • The Parkwood Garden Club Facebook page has been established but is not yet being announced.
  • Powl the Owl will be used on both the Facebook page and website. Steve Elmore will send Bryan the electronic image.
  • The communication plan is still in process and will be presented at the September board meeting.


  • Bryan reached out to Jeremy Turner of the East Lake Neighborhood Association and will be working with him to establish routines for crime reporting.  Bryan will provide an update at the September board meeting.  Karna recommended finding a designated volunteer to head this up – possibly Julie Lockhart.

Parkwood Park Committee

  • Steve wrote a short article for the Druid Hills News complete with picture which will be published in the Fall edition. (Text of article attached). Steve plans on writing another article about the sign for the Winter issue of the DHN. Steve will try to routinely have an article about Parkwood Park and the Parkwood neighborhood in the DHN.
  • Terry has submitted an invoice for both rounds of spraying that is less than planned. Originally planned for $1,250 the actual amount is only $850 thanks in part to a “donation of services” in the amount of $252. Steve will pass the invoice along to George for payment.
  • Rebecca Byrd (formerly Kerimbaev) will still make a sizable donation toward the purchase of the Parkwood Park sign.  The SFC agreed that South Fork funds may be used to purchase the sign.  Joanna Quillen agreed that her designated gift towards invasive plant removal may be used towards the sign purchase, if the Parkwood Park Committee chooses.
  • Two workdays will be held in the park, one with select volunteers doing heavy lifting and the other for all neighbors on Oct. 20.
  • The Parkwood Garden Club Board of Directors agreed that anyone watering the park may use the meter for free watering of his/her own private property.
  • Steve Elmore will send out Procedures for Handling Donations and Expenses with the South Fork Conservancy, for the information of all Board members and for the Secretary’s records.

Membership Committee

  • Allison Gilmore has agreed to head up the Holiday Party.  The Membership Committee will consider moving this party to late January/early February so that it doesn’t compete with other December holiday parties.  Directories are typically distributed in December at this party.  If the party is moved, Board members will need to help distribute directories.
  • The Membership Drive begins in October.  Joanna will send any electronic copies she has from the 2011 Membership Drive to Karna and Patti.  Tom will send any electronic copies he can find of the spreadsheet to Karna and Patti.  Karna will contact Rebecca Byrd (formerly Kerimbaev) to get remaining details of membership packet and directory. Sheri Kennedy is also a resource since she’s headed this effort before, too.
  • The Membership Drive solicitation should include the following:
    • a PGC Budget
    • a letter from the Parkwood Garden Club President (with different letters for the traditional PGC residents and another letter for the residents on West Ponce de Leon,)
    • the Parkwood Park Budget
    • a letter from the Parkwood Park Chairperson
    • a membership form
    • a return envelope with the Parkwood Garden Club PO Box address
    • a flyer on how to report crime.
  • All Board members will help distribute membership drive information and personally contact those who don’t respond.
  • Directories will be distributed in December.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.  The next meeting will be held on September 10, 2012 at Karna’s house, 7 PM at 220 Upland Road.

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